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Did you know you can make money just by listening music online ?

Yes you can...

Submit your songs to music producers, publishers, supervisors and managers for marketing, musiclicensing, label roster, publishing, distribution and more 

A website that pays you to listen to music you might like? – What’s the catch? 

There’s no catch. We’re trying to build the best way for music fans to discover new songs and bands they might like. In the best version we could imagine, listeners get paid a little bit for their time and attention.
Think of this a little bit like music advertising. But the musicians behind the songs aren’t just blasting their music out there to everyone. That doesn’t work – especially on the Internet. Music fans expect to be targeted and the musicians don’t want to waste their resources by targeting people who aren’t likely to enjoy their music.
We are in charge of targeting the music to your taste. The better job we do, the more music you'll discover that you like and the happier the musicians will be when we can find new fans for them. So, much of what you hear will likely be right up your alley. But, not every band you hear on Music Xray will be amazing. Many of the bands you hear are just starting out and may not be quite ready for prime time. But that’s OK. You can skip their songs after 30 seconds and you’ll still be compensated.
When you hear something you really love, we hope you’ll support the band or artist by becoming a direct fan or even by leaving a tip. join us here Musicxray 


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Fiverr is the world's largest freelance services marketplace for lean entrepreneurs to focus on growth & create a successful business at affordable costs. is a global online marketplace offering tasks and services, beginning at a cost of $5 per job performed, from which it gets its name. The site is primarily used by  freelancers  who use Fiverr to offer services to customers worldwide.  Currently, Fiverr lists more than three million services on the site that range between $5 and $500  join us here  Fiverr